Karnataka’s class 12 or 2nd year PUC result 2021 has been released, ending the wait for nearly 5.9 lakh students. State Education Minister Suresh Kumar held a press conference to introduce the Department of Pre-University Exams (PUE) in Karnataka. Students who were scheduled to reappear for exams this year have all been promoted.
There were 3.35 lakh boys and 3.31 lakh girls among the 5.90 lakh pupils who registered for the exam. This year, the majority of pupils received honours in their exams. A total of 1, 95,650 students received honours, with 1.47 lakh receiving second division.
Official websites such as karnataka.gov.in, karresults.nic.in, sslc.karnataka.gov.in, kseeb.nic.in, and result.bspucpa.com allow students to see their full marks. The tentative mark sheet will be printed from the online result.