Intel has launched its new generation Intel Xeon (Xeon) W-3300 processor. The Intel Xeon W-3300 processor is designed for advanced workstation professionals. That is, with the speed of editing on the computer, you will get a better experience. It provides enterprise grade security with a single socket solution. This is an upgraded version of the previous version of Xeon.
Will be able to load heavy capacity output-work
The Intel Xeon W-3300 processor is designed for the new generation professional with heavy capacity threaded, input/output-work load. Can be used in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Media and Entertainment (M&E).
New Intel Xeon W-3300 K5 Processor
These new processors include W-3375, W-3365, W-3345, W-3335 and W-3323. These come with the capability of a single-socket system. 38 cores and 76 threads with Intel Hyper-Threading technology at frequencies up to 4.0 GHz, 64 processors supporting PCIe Gen 4.0 lanes and up to 4TB of DDR4-3200 error-correcting code (ECC) memory.
What is its specialty?
- 2.5 times the maximum memory capacity and up to 31% more memory bandwidth
- Multi-threaded speed up to 45% in Cinema 4D workloads
- Preview rendering in Autodesk Maya will speed up to 26% higher on workloads.
- Editing and encoding performance will be up to 20% faster in Adobe Premiere Pro workloads.
- Final 3D rendering in Auto Desk Maya will provide 27% more speed on workloads.